18 March 2012

Early Number

Yesterday, I went to the Early Number Conference in Aberdeen. It was made up of a Keynote Speaker who introduced the Numeracy program their Council uses (SEAL - Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning), and four different workshops focusing on Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication & Division, Number Sequences, and Number Structure. Basically, SEAL is Maths Recovery which is implemented into everyday Maths so that Maths Recovery is not needed later down the road. It strives to give the child a full understanding of Number and how numbers are connected before moving onto bigger and more difficult concepts within Numeracy.

Although a little lacking in the hands-on department (teachers like to play, too!), the workshops offered practical ideas to take back to the classroom (as well as a long list of things I want my school to buy!). Here are a few that I gleaned from the Number Sequence workshop:

1. Counting together, but starting/stopping at irregular numbers (e.g. "let's count together starting at 5 and ending at 15. 5, 6, 7 ...). The idea is for children to become familiar with forward number word sequences outside of rote counting, so they have a deeper understanding of the sequences.

2. Counting with a sand timer: Have children take turns counting for the duration of the sand timer (starting at irregular numbers depending on child's ability). Children like a little competition.

3. Puppets. Like it or not, kids listen more intently to puppets than any teacher I've known. Get the puppet to tell the kids where they will start counting today. Put the number in the puppet's mouth.

4. Pendulum. Attach a tennis ball to a piece of string. Swing the ball back and forth, counting every time the ball hits your hand.

5. Treasure Box Game. Stick a number on the top of a box. Count up to that number by passing the box round the circle with each child saying the next number in the sequence. The child who has the box when you reach the number on the top of the box, gets to open the box. On the inside of the lid, there will be a new number to put on the top of the box for a new round. To end the game, pop a sticker in the box for the "winner." Extension: ask the children to choose a number to start at instead of 1. You could end up counting up or down.

6. Number Fans. Call out a number. Children have to find the number first on their fan.

7. Give each child a number flash card. They must sequence themselves.

8. Number clothing to put up on a washing line to sequence. Take one out and have children figure out which number is missing.

9. Hundred Square. Start out with a blank hundred square, have a child choose a number card and figure out where it should go on the square. Keep this as an on-going activity over the course of a week or longer.

10. Smiley Face Game. Lay out number cards face down on the floor. Have children choose one at a time and sequence the numbers as they go. Have one number out of the deck and replaced with a smiley face. If they choose the smiley face, they are out.

11. What's Behind the Wall. Work out what number is behind the wall (paper) by moving the paper behind the wall up slowly to reveal of portion of the number. Children are to guess what the number is by looking at the bit of the number that is showing. This reinforces recognition of numerals.

Happy Counting!

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