06 May 2013

Class Tour - April 2013 - Primary 4

If anyone reads this, you know that I changed schools in April. I'm permanent! Yay! I moved to a very new building; the school opened in April 2011, so you'll see that everything looks very fresh and bright and new. I thought I'd post some photos of my new classroom. Hopefully in August/September I will post my setting up process when I "start from scratch."

This is what you see when you first walk into the class. Yes, those are lovely big windows along the back wall.

Looking into the class on the right, we have our meeting area with the SMARTboard. I also have two of these portable double sided whiteboards. They are FAB. I've since moved this one so that I have easier access to the cupboards behind it, and so there is more room for the children to sit on the floor.

This is our computer area. These are all connected to the internet. The laptop on the far right is mine that connects to the SMARTboard.

My school is open plan. All the walls between classrooms and out to the corridor can be opened up. The walls to the corridor all must be open (which took me all of a day to get used to), but the walls between each class are closed in the Senior wing. I've put borders up on the wall that divides my classroom to the one next door so that it can still open when we need it to (like for our Science Fair this week).

I have a tiny wee book corner as there isn't much room for anything more, but the kids seem to like it. And yes, that's a sky-light in the next photo! I have a remote control that opens it up to let in some fresh air. It also automatically detects rain and closes on it own (a great feature to have in Scotland!).

These tray shelves are brilliant. Each child has their own tray labelled with their name. In them, they keep unfinished work, personal whiteboards/pens, homework diaries, and reading books. The extra ones are used by me to store spelling resources, extra whiteboards/pens, writing resources, etc. The other photo is VERY important for the smooth running of my classroom. Children know to look to the "I'm Done" board when they are finished their tasks so they know what to do next.

These photos depict my Behaviour Birds clip chart. The children each have their own peg with their name. They start on "Perfect Peacock" and move up or down depending on their behaviour. You can buy your own in my TpT store.

My kids love this! As a class, there is always something they need to work harder at. Right now, it's being a quality audience. If they show that they are working towards mastering this skill, they get to add a piece to Mr. Potato Head. When he's finished, they get 5 extra minutes of play time.

On one of my whiteboards, I have 3 folders for handing in any work that is not written in a jotter. Kids have to think about how they did on their task as they hand it in. Work completed in jotters already has self assessment forms stuck in them.

That's the tour for now. As I add things to the new room I'll add more photos. Do you have a classroom tour on your blog? I'd love to see!

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