03 March 2012

Creativity Takes Courage - Henri Matisse

As a teacher, I am always on the lookout for interesting resources to bring into my classroom to inspire the children's curiosity and learning experiences. Honestly, it doesn't take much sometimes! Kids are resourceful, imaginative, and creative. They can take a wooden block and make it into a walkie-talkie:

Or even a pair of shoes:

When I put out resources in the morning, I may have some preconceived idea of how they will use them, but they always surprise and impress me with their ingenuity and creativity. When things have become a little silly, sometimes I have found myself saying, "that's not what that is for." Shame on me for curbing their play!

Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model.
-Abdul Kalam

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